‘Aye’ of the Unicorn: Armchair…


As the weekened progressed

we were to work our way around ‘the limbs’

of an elemental pentagram.


Two sites from the region

were given over to each element.


In the first we would consider the element in question

with the help of a conducive environment and our core text.


In the second we would construct and walk our pentagrams,

again in a conducive environment,

whilst examining notions of our magical self

in relation to the element and its inner psychology.


Late Saturday afternoon and early Sunday morning,

we considered and worked with the element of fire.


We were back with the witches, again,

on the blasted heath.


I’m not sure whether or not our heath had been blasted

but it had certainly been scorched…


The witches really represent past, present, and future,

for our soon-to-be-king, Macbeth.


He was Glamis and is now also Cawdor, although

at the moment he is unaware of the promotion,

and he is promised King…


The crux of the matter is really

one of free-will or determinism.


Would he have got the crown

without seizing it

and what difference would that have made?


The rest of the ‘prophecy’ may still have held

but brought about by different circumstances…


That fire, or desire, could actually be a weakness

is not always fully grasped.


Just ask Falstaff!


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