The Silent Eye The People – steady hands in changing times

The People – steady hands in changing times

The Silent Eye is run by the founding director – Steve Tanham, recently joined by Dean Powell – see below.

The Silent Eye was launched in 2012 by Steve Tanham, Sue Vincent and Stuart France.

After nearly a decade of success, Sue Vincent died in 2021. Her partner, Stuart France, stayed on with the school until April 2023, when he left to pursue his passion of lecturing and writing on the subject of ancient sacred sites.

As a mark of respect to our former colleagues, we have left their bios on this page, and, for now, the blog posts.

The students of the School… our Companions… come from four continents and every walk of life, from psychologist to student, professor to housewife. There is no place in the Mysteries for social status and the soul knows neither border or boundary.

Steve Tanham (opening photo) is the founder of the Silent Eye and Director of Teaching. He is the principal architect of the School’s three year home study programme and the annual May workshop. He is a former Grand Councillor of AMORC and was a founding member of The Servants of the Light’s ARC council.

Dean Powell Dean Powell was born in Somerset and is a child of the sixties….just! He is now based in northern Scotland, where Dean and his partner built their home and live in the Highlands with their two dogs. Having now retired, he had a career in education both here, in the UK, and abroad. For over twenty-five years he has been magus of three different magical lodges; became a Third Degree initiate; and been a supervisor for students studying the Western Mystery Tradition. He is also a certified Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming, using it therapeutically. He has also developed, written and presented in magical workshops over the years. Dean is passionate about creating art, reading, the environment, hillwalking and all things culinary!

From an early age he had a curiosity and wonder for all things existential and has always pondered and sought answers to the questions like: Who am I?  What is my purpose in life, and why are we here? He met Steve Tanham over a decade ago and was present at the first, and inaugural workshop of The Silent Eye, “ Song of the Troubadours”, in 2013 when the school was created. They have been good friends and fellow seekers of those esoteric questions ever since…..

Former Directors:

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Sue Vincent was Director of Supervision until her untimely death in 2021. Sue worked closely with students of the School across the world. She had lived within the Mysteries all her life, studied with the Servants of the Light and was known as a teacher in many forums. Sue and Stuart (below) were partners in the Work and in life.


Stuart France was the Silent Eye’s Director of Research and brought a rich and eclectic vein of mythology, symbolism and esoteric thought to the service of the School. Stuart has studied with OBOD, AMORC, and the Servants of the Light.

After a decade of service to the Silent Eye School, Stuart left in April 2023 to pursue his writing and lecturing.

To learn a little more about how we came together, follow the link to The Journey So Far.

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