Wayland: The White Horse…


But according to some, Wayland has far more onerous

responsibilities than shoeing the horses of passing way farers…


A group of local lads were enjoying a drink

one evening at the White Horse Inn, Woolstone,

when an unknown man wearing old fashioned garb

entered and ordered a pint of the local beverage.


He wore a leather apron, a tall hat,

and he took his drink and sat

to one side of the ale-house by himself…


After awhile the sound of a horn rang out

and could be heard

echoing eerily through the vale…


Startled from his reverie by the horn,

the stranger leapt to his feet and hobbled

out into the night, his pint unfinished.


As the uncanny sound faded over the downs

the locals looked out and up to the hillside

to find that the White Horse was gone!


When dawn broke the following day

more than a few of the previous night’s imbibers

looked out of their windows

and up at the hill with some trepidation…


Only to see the White Horse

back where it should be on the green hillside

but with feet-tips

that seemed to shine in the morning sun light.




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