A Preponderance of Stone: Pentre Ifan…

Images and Text from the Silent Eye Workshop: Whispers in the West…


HM15 953Angles of Approach…


HM15 969Concord of Stones…


HM15 970Step forward Spirit…


HM15 998Claws of what?…


HM15 997Pinnacle and Fulcrum…


HM15 977Aligning the Sky…


HM15 973Thresholds in Time…


HM15 961‘Shroom Cap Stoop…


HM15 990Guarding the Shade…


HM15 959Seeing through Stone…


14 thought on “A Preponderance of Stone: Pentre Ifan…”

  1. Once I lived by the Avebury circle, as a youngster playing beneath the stone, fairies pixies and nymphs were acted out. Now full circle I have come, having moved from East Anglia in recent years. Returning to the west now only an hour from Stone Henge, you could say coincidently I find myself here… full circle in the comfort of the stones.
    Beautiful pictures reminding me today, thank you.

    1. You’re welcome Ellen. I have always wondered what the residents of Avebury get from the stones. Whenever we ask we are met with blank stares. Most people perhaps, unlike you, put up barriers…

      1. As children we got adventures and magical fantasies that obviously shaped (or warped) my imagination. Though it may have been inherent in me, we will never be sure.

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