The Silent Eye spirituality Going the Whole Five Feet

Going the Whole Five Feet

Artist unknownThere is a lot of discussion going round at present about the new era in spirituality, the new wave of esoteric thought and a coming age of enlightenment. Some of it deadly serious, some seemingly less so. Some may seem ludicrous to others… though not to those who believe it… and that is a starting point for much heartache and worse. I’m a firm believer in the saying, ‘a thousand monks, a thousand religions’. Every one of us sees our own path a little differently, even when we nominally share a faith or set of beliefs.

The older I get and the more I learn, the more I see a very simple and common thread running through most belief systems, regardless of the symbols and tenets of doctrine, beyond the stories, scriptures and legends. It goes deeper than what we are taught and told, to a deep inner seeking that seems common to us all.

Whether we seek the answers in religion, faith, science or philosophy, there are deep-seated questions and a desire for understanding and purpose; a quest for a way to grow into ourselves. And because these are undoubtedly profound questions, we often take ourselves and life itself very seriously in light of them.

Don’t misunderstand me. I am not advocating any abrogation of responsibility. On the contrary, being responsible for oneself and one’s own thoughts and actions is, perhaps, the single most important thing we can choose to do. It pulls together the threads of all other parts of life. To take responsibility in that way requires that we be conscious, aware of what we do, who we are and the consequences of our actions, their impact on lives other than our own. It means accepting responsibility for ourselves.

It doesn’t mean we won’t make mistakes. Just that we can see them, perhaps learn from them, be aware of the effects of our choices and make choices within that awareness.  It means putting into practice an inner honesty and accepting all of ourselves, good and bad, light and dark.

Speaking of one of the most deeply spiritual women I know, revered by many across the world, someone once said of her that she is an angel… but no saint. Looking around me at others I love and in whom I see the beacon of the soul glow brightly, that is another common thread, one of acceptance and joy. It doesn’t seem to matter what religious or spiritual background they come from. They share a playfulness… even a naughtiness… that accepts both themselves and others for who and what they are, and they share a lightness of being that is a delight.

They are living in their own truth. They are fearless in this regard and, either quietly or publicly, follow their own path in honesty; not hiding their human flaws and foibles, not pretending to perfection or sainthood. Just Being… and with joy.

It’s not a bad example to follow.

When we began to build the Silent Eye, there was a moment when I worried that I ought to become staid and ‘respectable’. At least publicly. Then, I realised, that would be denying the reality of who I am. It would go against anything I wish to be, do or share. It would not be me. And after all, I am only of any use to the service of the school as myself… whole, flawed and occasionally slightly cracked.

I have a feeling that this is what the new current in spirituality is about. A conscious acceptance of who and what we are. On all levels…  and we are all such a mix of contrasts and opposites within ourselves, perhaps it is about integrating the inner contradictions, realising the human and the divine within, balancing the passive and dynamic, the tears and the laughter, the gifts and the flaws. Just being who we Are

Being a small, nondescript Mum, nicknamed ‘the hobbit’ by my six-foot sons and laughed down upon from their greater height, you may think I have neither knowledge nor authority to speak of the currents of the coming age. You may be right. I’m not telling anyone what to do here. But for myself and for as long as I can, I shall live within that truth that knows neither barrier nor label… and give it the whole five feet.

34 thought on “Going the Whole Five Feet”

  1. Yes, I think we all look for the meaning of life in our own way; either through following different religions, going to spiritualist meetings, or just via meditation. Whatever we choose, it’s right for us but it doesn’t necessarily give us the answers we want, because at the end of the day there are no answers. The only answers are the ones we make up in our own heads to satisfy our own thirst for knowledge.

    1. As long as we find the path that calls to us, heart and soul, I don’t think it matters which path it is. I do believe that there are answers… whether we are big enough to be able to encompass and wholly understand them, though, is a different thing.

  2. I think the end result of all the current trauma and distress could be an era of more simplicity. A time to reveal who we really are… I know I am feeling a powerful urge to spring clean and de-clutter my life and my home …

  3. You are right about how we all approach this in our own, individual ways. That’s part of the reason I don’t really like organised religions, although they have their place. They try to tell everyone that this is what you should believe. We are right, and if you don’t believe like us, you are wrong.
    I hope there is a spiritual awakening, Sue. You have done much to foster it.

    1. Religious beliefs do indeed have a place and we all have to begin somewhere… I don’t think it matters all that much where.. Spirituality reminds me of a dandelion clock … ‘fluffier’ round the outer edges, but as you approach the centre, it takes shape, holds fast and all the various seeds are very close to each other.

  4. One thing we have in common, Sue – I am also five foot nothing….I too dislike organized religion – too aware of the bloodshed and wars in its wake, but each to his own. It always strikes me as ironic that the ‘good.versus bad’ message gets lost in the fanatical behaviour of some, so-called ‘religious’ people while ‘good non-believers’ are marked as bad.’ A sheep I will never be. Christened in the Catholic religion, later taught in Welsh Chapel and marrying and converting to the Jewish faith, i had a confusing time of it as you can imagine. We are now Humanists. Peace and love for all. Carry on fighting the fight, Sue. You are a marvel, bless you. xx

    1. My spiritual upbringing was eclectic, but never imposed or confused somehow. I am grateful that I was allowed to find my own way forward…and to learn not to judge by the labels. xx

  5. A lovely post, Sue. “Perhaps it is about integrating the inner contradictions” and “being who we Are” is a wonderful summary of our spiritual evolution. I’m glad you are you from head to toe. Hugs

  6. Reblogged this on pensitivity101 and commented:
    We are who we are. How we got to be the people we are now is by treading Life’s path, learning as we go, and accepting that sometimes we get it wrong.
    Whatever religion we follow, if any, Faith in something can work miracles. I know of one woman whose faith got her walking after being bedridden for over 25 years, and she lived to be 104. The Spiritual Being is in all of us, it is not a trick of the light or an illusion. It is there and we just have to be aware to seeand embrace it. Some people call it an inner glow, others say a natural warmth that others gravitate toward.
    That’s my thoughts anyway. A heart warming post Sue.

    1. I am not sure we need to be able to understand or quantify everything… just accept that there are wonders within and around us that can work miracles, for ourselves and for others 🙂 xx

  7. Sue, your brief second paragraph says it all. That common thread is some variation of what Christians call the Golden Rule. Treat others like you want to be treated. It appears in some form in most religions. Nothing else comes close. Keith

  8. Loved your ‘whole five feet.’ YOU definitely can be described as :sharing a playfulness… even a naughtiness… that accepts both themselves and others for who and what they are, and they share a lightness of being that is a delight.

          1. <3 I can imagine you do. Esp. this past year, I've come to appreciate breath more than ever. I often imagine breathing deeply for those who cannot, sending a prayer out as I exhale.

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