The Silent Eye landscape,psychology,weekend workshop Keys to Heaven: Gluttony…

Keys to Heaven: Gluttony…

Image result for odin's cross


The Norse God, Odin, hangs over all.

His attendant wolves symbolise our lower self,

and both their names can be translated, ‘greed’, which leads us to glut…


For most people the plan is simple:

to experience all they can in sensations quest,

and this too can lead to a sort of glut…


One cannot have too much of a good thing, can one?


After breakfasting we meet at the Whalebone Arch,

and it is difficult not to wonder how

long it will be before our gluttony

as a species empties the oceans…


From here, framed within the jaw bones of the once great sea beast,

we can see the skeletal remains of Whitby Abbey,

where weighty decisions about the religious tenor

of our country were once made.


We, though, make our way back into town, and a Cafe…

and from there, eventually, up to the Abbey,

but not before crossing the swing bridge,

which simultaneously separates and joins the new town

from the old, and which, as we approach, is just about to swing…


For those with eyes to see the swing bridge has something to impart.

Black letters on a yellow board.

‘Krampus Run – Three-Thirty Pee Em!’


The ‘Krampus’, it turns out, is a sort of shadow

side to the European St Niklaus,

who instead of giving gifts to good children,

punishes those that have been bad!

An antidote to wanton gluttony, perhaps,

or a living, breathing, walking Baphomet?

Initially, there will be more than one of them,

 a whole parade full vying for the dubious crown.


We count the steps to the Abbey and breeze through

the Abbey gift shop where, historical, religious and fantasy

items all, peculiarly levelled, jostle for attention.


The once grandiose and resplendant Abbey interior,

now stands open to the elements…

Wind whistled bare,

was Odin a Lord of Air?

We try to feel St Cedd’s presence there,

but he is long gone.


As bitter grey clouds-of-cold skit in from the sea,

we perform the second run of our ‘ritual’,

before heading back down into town, for more food.


Image result for odin's cross

9 thought on “Keys to Heaven: Gluttony…”

  1. Intriguing and somewhat mysterious dual reality for children and adults alike? One person who can be both he who rewards and he who punishes? And who decides who is naughty and nice? What standards? Are we not ALL naughty and nice and whatever things suit our moods of the moments? Do WE, the adults get punished as long as the naughty things are not under the law? Life is just full of unknowns, isn’t it?

    1. It seemed as though some of the artifacts at the Abbey had a sense of balance in them such as the man that was the wolves, so that makes a lot of sense. Everything has is much more to it than it seems to at first. I want to read more in lieu of being able to get there in person at least not at this time. I am missing so much and I honestly feel sad about it.

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