The Silent Eye spirituality,symbolism,The Silent eye Writings from the Temple ~ Briony

Writings from the Temple ~ Briony

Briony, attending her first workshop with the Silent Eye, graciously and gracefully changed roles at the last minute to fill one of the gaps left by illness. She writes of what came to her after the workshop:

So, what will become of you my child, my mewling infant?

Born of my womb, resting here, blindly knowing your vulnerability, strong with desire, weak in your newly-formed vehicle of consciousness.

The wheels of Time in Mind grind inexorably, twisting your fate, that fragile, tenuous link to your Father.

We made you. The Light entered the Darkness, placing a glimpse of Immortality into the fertile womb of potentiality. That seed found its resting place. Such love! Such joy! The moment of conception.
We loved you!

Your thirst for power, for glory. The fearless invincibility of the Child, revelling in it’s new-found unexplored sensuality. We watched with love as you blindly emptied the coffers of plenty, tore through the gossamer veils of mortality, feasting on the blood of sacrifice, drinking the waters of desire. How we loved you!

The progeny of our astral loins experiencing the abundance of sensual awareness.

And so my child, my mewling infant?

What has become of your light, split into a myriad of colours? Your divinity – born into this world of substance and form?

The seed within lies dormant, millennia pass. Is it destined to return unfulfilled? Relinquishing it’s God given right to unfold, to flourish, to accept the abundant teachings of this Earthly existence?

Our love waits, the wheels of Time in Mind grind ever onwards, Fate and Destiny weave the paths of the Unconscious Soul.


4 thought on “Writings from the Temple ~ Briony”

  1. Briony, Thank you for filling in such a challenging role for your first attendance at this event. We are all very lucky to have you, and your presence at the event is challenging me to try to get there too for my first live event. I am hoping I can go next time. Thank you again. This is a wonderful role and so meaningful. I agree with Willow.

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